Tuesday 6 January 2015

Mango Smoothie

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cook time : 5 mins

Mango smoothie recipe is thick , creamy and re-freshing . This makes a very satisfying meal at any time of a day :-)

Ingredients needed :-

Mango - 1 cup
Cold milk - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 1/2  tbsp

Method :-

   1. Wash mangoes , peel the skin off  and cut into cubes .
2. Add chopped mangoes , sugar in a blender and blend it with little milk until smooth.
3. Then add the remaining milk and blend again till the mixture gets combined well .
4. Pour it into glasses and enjoy mango smoothies !!!

Serve chilled ( you can optionally use ice cubes to blend along with smoothie )

Tips :-

  • I have used frozen mangoes, so i skipped using ice cubes.
  • Use cold milk , else there are chances for the milk to curdle.
  • Adjust sugar according to the sweetness of mangoes as well adjust the consistency of smoothie by adding some extra milk if needed .
  • If you prefer honey instead of sugar , can go for it .

Serving size :- 2-3

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