Friday 30 January 2015

Avasara paniyaram

Preparation time : 15 mins
Cook time : 25 mins

Avasara Paniyaram is a traditional and easy to cook snack. If you are short of time but still want to make a good quality snack then Avasara Paniyaram would be the right choice. It is a crispy and yummy snack!!  Both kids and adults would love this snack :-)

Ingredients needed :

Rava / semolina - 1 cup
All purpose flour / maida - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Grated coconut - 1 cup
Banana - 1( small one )
Water - 1 cup
Cardamom crushed - 3
Salt - a pinch 
Oil for deep frying

Method :

  1. In a wide pan dissolve sugar with 1 cup of water .
  2. Then add rava, grated coconut, maida / all purpose flour and one whole small banana.
  3. Mix all the ingredients with your hands till the banana gets mashed well. Add the crushed cardamom to the mixture and mix it well.
  4. Heat oil in a pan . To check whether the oil is hot enough , drop a small piece of dough into the oil, if it raises to the surface immediately, then it is the right time to fry the paniyaram.
  5. Now reduce the flame to medium and drop roughly medium shaped balls directly into the oil, fry until it turns golden brown. 
  6. Remove paniyaram from oil using ladle. Repeat this process till it completes.
Tips :

  • If you prefer having Avasara paniyaram a little bit sweeter, add some extra sugar while mixing the ingredients. I gave the exact measurement listed in ingredients, came out well.
  • You can also add some cashews into the dough. It gives nice crunchy taste once it got fried in the oil along with the dough.
  • Adding pinch of salt enhances the sweetness.
Yields : 40

Friday 23 January 2015

Almond - stuffed dates

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cook time : 20 seconds 

Almond- stuffed dates is really a fabulous snack can eat at anytime of the day. Yummy, also low in calories, so easy to prepare. Health nutrient snack for kids. Once i gazed my hubby was crunching a bite of almonds and dates alternatively, to make him easy I thought why not we stuff the almonds into dates ?? So this came as a simple, quick and crunchy recipe :)Just clicked roughly !!

Ingredients needed :

15 regular almonds
15 dates

Method :
  1. Use a sharp knife and cut a slit in each date and remove the seed from it.
  2. Insert an almond to each date cavity.
  3. Arrange on a serving platter to serve.
Serve as a snack with cup of tea !!!

Tips :
  • You can use regular almonds or blanched almonds or baked almonds of your choice.
  • Combination of dates with almond gives a nice crunchy taste.
  • If you prefer , you can bake in oven for 6-7 minutes ( pre- Heat oven for 180 degree ).
Yields : 15

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Beans stir fry - beans poriyal

preparation time : 15 mins
Cook time : 20 -25 mins

Beans stir fry or beans curry is the simplest side- dish to prepare as well as to learn. This side- dish goes well with rice or chapathi. Beans are very good sources of manganese, So adding this veggie twice in a week maintains healthy- diet. Simple and quick recipe :-)

Ingredients needed :

Chopped beans - 1 cup headed
Onion - 1
Red chilli - 2-3
Tumeric powder - a pinch
Coconut - 5 medium-sized pieces

For seasoning :

Cumin / jeera seeds 
Curry leaves

Method :
  1. Wash and chop beans into small pieces according to your preferences.
  2. Heat oil in a pan add Cumin seeds, once it sizzles add curry leaves.
  3. Then add chopped onions wait until it turns slightly golden brown, add chopped beans and saute for a minute.
  4. Add Tumeric powder and salt. Just sprinkle some water and cook covered with lid.Wait till all the water evaporates and beans to be cooked.
  5. Mean while grind the coconut and red chillies together in a mixer or blender.
  6. At-last add the grounded paste to the beans and stir for few more minutes. And turn off the flame.
Serve as a side dish for any variety rice or with (sambar-rasam-curd)

Tips :
  • Just add little water, if the beans is not cooked properly you can again add some more water and wait till the beans get cooked well. 
  • Jeera seeds adds nice flavor to this recipe.
  • Adjust the chilli according to your taste.
  • Use fresh beans it results good and tastes crunchy. Make sure to retain the crunchiness of the veggie.
Serving size : 2-3

Thursday 15 January 2015

Ven pongal - Kara pongal

Preparation time : 10 mins
Cook time : 15 - 20 mins

Ven pongal is a traditional south-indian rice dish. My hubby is not a great fan of pongal, if I start to prepare pongal he would be keep on reminding me that pongal should be mushy and not too dry till the end of cooking. It came out very well. So thought of posting this recipe with perfect measurement. Pongal is very easy but little-bit tricky to prepare.

Ingredients needed :

Rice - 1/2 cup
Yellow moong dhal - 1/2 cup
Water - 3 &1/2 cups

For seasoning :

Ghee / oil - 2 tbsp
Asafoetida - a pinch
Red chilli - 1
Ginger - 1 inch piece finely chopped 
Cumin / jeera seeds - 1 tsp
Whole black Pepper - 1 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - few
Cashews - few

Method :
  1. Dry roast moong dhal slightly hot and keep it aside.
  2. Soak rice for 15 minutes and pressure cook moong dhal and rice with 3 & 1/2 cups of water and salt and wait for 4- 5 whistles until mushy.
  3. Once the pressure cooker subsides mash it well using ladle.
  4. Heat ghee and oil in a pan add cumin seeds, whole black pepper, ginger, curry leaves ,red chilli, asafoetida and cashews till it gets slightly brown and turn off the flame.
  5. Pour it to the mashed rice and dhal. Mix well till it spreads evenly.
Serve Pongal hot with sambar and chutney of your choice .

Tips :
  • Roasted moong dhal gives nice flavor to the pongal, But do not over roast the moong dhal.
  • If the pongal seemed to be too watery in the cooker, then u can heat in stove and mix well un-till the water evaporates .
  • You can just add half an tsp of ghee and half an tsp of oil for tempering .
  • We prefer pongal to be mushy , but if you prefer dry then add just 3 cups of water.

Serving size : 2 

Monday 12 January 2015

Gulab jamun

On my personal note -  Before Going to the recipe, I would like to share my Hubby's Birthday Cake.This is the first time he celebrated his birthday with our lil princess, So it is a special one for all of us :-)

Special Occasion calls for a Special Recipe, So I decided to prepare  Gulab Jamun on My Hubby's Birthday. I also prepared this as my hubby is very much fond of this dessert. I  decided to post this in my blog , so captured snaps while preparing the sweet. This is my first sweet I am posting in my blog with step by step preparation snaps. I am glad to post this recipe and I hope you too enjoy this Delicacy :-)

Ingredients needed :

Gulab jamun flour - 1 packet (200 grams) - available readymade 
Warm milk 
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 2 1/2 cups
Cardamom crushed - 2
Almond - few(optional)
Oil for deep frying 

Method :

How to prepare sugar syrup ??

In a wide pan mix sugar, water and boil it until both the sugar dissolves completely and the syrup becomes slightly sticky . Add the crushed cardamom . Do not boil too much . Turn off the flame and keep it aside .

How to prepare gulab jamun??

  1. At first mix the gulab jamun flour well with your fingers to remove all lumps .
  2. Then knead the flour adding little by little warm milk till the dough becomes soft.  Keep it aside for few minutes.
  3. Grease your hand with oil and start to divide the dough equally and make small balls without any cracks.
  4. Heat oil and fry the gulab jamun in medium heat so that the inside part of the gulab jamun will also get cooked well. Keep stirring it gently till it turns dark brown . 
  5. Remove with a slotted ladle and place it in a kitchen towel, allow it to cool off a little .
  6. Then drop the gulab jamun in hot sugar syrup. Let all the gulab jamun remain soaked in the syrup for 1 hour .
  7. Garnish it with chopped almond or pistachio.
Serve it hot or cold of your choice. 

Tips :

  • Do not fry gulab jamuns in high heat as the outside part will be browned quickly but the inside part will not be cooked properly.
  • check the oil by dropping the small amount of dough if it takes few minus to float, then it is the right time to fry jamuns.
  • Avoid cracks while making balls, because it breaks when soaked in sugar syrup.
  • Kneading the gulab jamun flour with warm milk, makes the gulab jamun too soft. If you prefer you can add water instead of milk. 
  • Allow it to cool a little before dropping them in the sugar syrup.
Yields : 20-25 jamuns.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Beetroot Thuvaiyal - Beetroot chutney

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cook time : 15 - 20 mins

Beetroot Thuvaiyal or chutney is simple and yummy one !!!  Urad dal gives a crunchy taste while eating . Beetroot have a deep rich in colour , firm & texture . Many people are not fond of eating but all must know that beets are low in calories , high in fibre & healthy nutrients . Even i am not a great fan of beetroots , but once i made this thuvaiyal and served it with hot rice it tasted heaven . I personally loved it. Simple just go through the recipe, try it out and taste it !!! u feel the same :-)

Ingredients needed :-

Beetroot - 1
Urad dal - 1 tsp
Channa dal / kadalai paruppu - 1 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
curry leaves - few
Red chilli - 3
Garlic cloves - 3

For seasoning :-

Mustard seeds
Curry leaves

Method :-
  1. Wash and peel the skin of beetroot . cut into cubes and keep it aside .
  2. Heat oil in a pan add urad dal , channa dal , cumin seeds , garlic cloves , red chillies saute in low flame till it turns golden brown . Add curry leaves and switch off the flame .

4. In the same pan add oil and chopped beetroot fry it for 10 minus or more, till raw flavor goes.
5. Allow it to cool and grind all the ingredients together with needed salt into a fine paste. If needed just sprinkle water .
6. In a pan add a drop of oil and throw in the mustard seeds , once it sputters add curry leaves and pour it into the grounded beetroot chutney .
Serve it with Roti or dosa or steamed rice .

Tips :-
  • Do not add water while grinding the mixture . Just sprinkle if needed .
  • Saute dals in low flame to avoid  getting burnt .
  • Cook beetroot with 2 tsp of oil and wait till raw flavor goes . Fry in medium flame and stir it from time to time to avoid burnt .

Serving size :-  2 - 3

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Mango Smoothie

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cook time : 5 mins

Mango smoothie recipe is thick , creamy and re-freshing . This makes a very satisfying meal at any time of a day :-)

Ingredients needed :-

Mango - 1 cup
Cold milk - 2 cups
Sugar - 2 1/2  tbsp

Method :-

   1. Wash mangoes , peel the skin off  and cut into cubes .
2. Add chopped mangoes , sugar in a blender and blend it with little milk until smooth.
3. Then add the remaining milk and blend again till the mixture gets combined well .
4. Pour it into glasses and enjoy mango smoothies !!!

Serve chilled ( you can optionally use ice cubes to blend along with smoothie )

Tips :-

  • I have used frozen mangoes, so i skipped using ice cubes.
  • Use cold milk , else there are chances for the milk to curdle.
  • Adjust sugar according to the sweetness of mangoes as well adjust the consistency of smoothie by adding some extra milk if needed .
  • If you prefer honey instead of sugar , can go for it .

Serving size :- 2-3

Sunday 4 January 2015

Yellow pumpkin dry curry - poosanikai poriyal - pumpkin poriyal

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cook time : 10 - 15 mins

Ingredients needed :

Yellow pumpkin - 1 1/2 cup
Onion -1
Tomato - 1/2
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Roasted peanut powder - 1 tbsp

For Seasoning :

Mustard seeds
Curry leaves

Method :-
  1. Wash the pumpkin and chop into cubes by discarding the seeds .
  2. Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds once it sputters , add curry leaves , add chopped onions wait until it turns translucent .
  3. Then add chopped tomato , turmeric powder, chilli powder and saute it for few minus .
  4. Add pumpkin pieces and salt . sprinkle some water fry it in a medium flame for few minutes stirring occasionally .
  5. Throw the roasted groundnut powder and stir till the mixture gets combined well and turn off the flame .
Serve it with steamed rice or chapathi .

How to prepare peanut / groundnut powder ??

In a pan dry roast the groundnut / peanut , saute till it turns slightly golden brown . Allow it to cool , remove the skin and grind it in a mixer coarsely .

Tips :-
  • You can either peel the pumpkin skin nor you can use as it is . I have used the pumpkin with skin because it has crunchy taste while eating .
  • Do not add water , just sprinkle some water that's more than enough .
  • Along with pumpkin you can add cooked Field beans / mocha kottai . It tastes yummy .
  • Adding groundnut powder atlast is totally of your choice . But groundnut has its own flavor .
Serving size :-  2 - 3